Created from necessity
iku®windows fire suppression system is a reliable system in case of fire. The water delivery system for the purpose of fire suppression is an enhancement to the successfully proven iku®windows intelligent cleaning system. It sets another step in the safety of high rise building facades – the major philosophy of iku®windows.

Following a considerable increase of serious fires occuring in tall buildings globally and with a large number of them involving aluminium composite panels (ACP), which tend to be highly flammable resulting in unchecked fire spread externally.

This is graphically shown in the following video of the New Years Eve blaze at the Dubai Address Downtown, Whereby fire spread un-checked over 40 floors vertically on the outside of the building within 1 min. 42 sec.

The problem is worldwide.

When a fire breaks out of the inside compartment and involves the facade.
Most tall building fires around the world have something in common. A relatively small fire resulting in a major or critical incident due to the fire breaking out of the inner compartment and involving the outside envelope going unchecked due to highly flammable aluminium composite panels and accessability problems

  • in just a few minutes the fire can get completely out of control
  • Civil defence access and response can take minutes
  • Often too high for arieal appliances>
  • No ability to tackle the fire

iku®windows fire suppression system sets new standards

  • having zero response time in case of fire, fire is detected instantly and so by cooling and surpressing fire is subdued or extinguished in seconds
  • prevents fire from spreading over the building envelope uncontrollably.
  • Controls fire at the early stages allowing firefighters time to arrive, set up and evacuate the building.
  • Succesfully tested according to NFPA 285 standards with remarkable results as flame and smoke limitation together with fire surpression


The system is based on the unique self cleaning facade water delivery system – long standing track record specifically in the Middle East, reliable, robust and effective.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

  • Early response system, fire is detected which instantly sets off the water delivery system checking the fire whilst notifying Civil Defence central command through Direct alarm system.
  • Facade integrated solution, easy and rapid installation on existing and new buildings.
  • Aesthetically pleasing, does not change the look of the building.
  • Can be installed during residential occupation.
  • Lower risk of fire means lower Insurance premiums.
  • Protection of buildings constructed pre-fire code and cladding compliance